What we do
We supply a full range of Fire Extinguishers suitable for all commercial, retail and residential environments. Water, Foam, Dry Powder, CO2 and Wet Chemical extinguishers from all leading manufacturers will be specified to meet the needs of your premises and safety compliance requirements.
Expert level installation engineers will consult to ensure that your Fire Extinguishers are installed in the most appropriate locations and in a fashion which ensures adherance to health and safety regulations whilst ensuring that access is guaranteed in a worst case scenario.
Regular inspection, maintenance and servicing of your Fire Extinguishers ensure compliance with health and safety regulations, adherance to the terms of insurance provision and ultimately peace of mind for the safety of the users of your premises.
Whether you require our full supply, installation and maintenance package or simply one of the services detailed above please contact us for a free, no obligation quotation. Our expert consultancy service will ensure that your requirements are catered for to the very highest of industry standards.